The Top-4 Burnaby Lakers back-to-back goals

Dane Stevens comes in with the fourth best back-to-back goals by a Burnaby Laker runner and the fastest this season in the Western Lacrosse Association.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="400"]dane Dane Stevens scored the fastest back-to-back goals by a Burnaby Laker runner. Garrett James photo[/caption]

Stevens shaped the natural double on the power play in just 71 seconds between the first and second periods in a 9-7 loss to the Victoria Shamrocks at the Q Center on July 29.

The first goal by Stevens came in the final minute of the opening period on what Stevens does best - score goals. 

The former consecutive five-time club scoring champion gave the visiting Lakers a 4-3 lead with a clean overhand shot to the far post from outside the perimetre on a cross-floor pass from Tyler Digby set up from Josh Byrne.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="330"]stevens 2 2 Dane Stevens scored the fastest back-to-back goal this season with a beauty at the left crease.[/caption]

Burnaby started the second period still with the man advantage and Stevens finished again just 28 seconds in, this time taking a nifty backhand pass from Byrne and burying a one-timed shot at the left crease into a gaping cage.

Digby also earned a second assist on the play that gave the Lakers its biggest lead of the game at 5-3.

Next time we will take a look at the Top-3 best back-to-back Burnaby Lakers goals this season.