Fastest opening goal by Burnaby was a quickie

Seven-year Burnaby Laker lefthander Dane Stevens knows what it is like to be first.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="400"]dane Dane Stevens scored the quickest game-opening goal for the Burnaby Lakers this season. Garrett James photo[/caption]

Steven's led the Lakers in regular-season team scoring from 2011 to 2015.

The 6-1 Delta product scored a career-best 30 goals and collected 60 points to top the club in his sophomore season.

In 2013, Stevens garnered a career-high 81 points to finish fourth overall in WLA scoring. Stevens collected 58 points in his next two seasons to become the Lakers' first-ever consecutive five-time scoring champ.

The five-season club scoring champion started this Western Lacrosse Association season with back-to-back game-opening goals in two of Burnaby's first three games of the year.

Steven's opened the scoring for the Lakers at the seven-minute mark of the opening period in Burnaby's 6-4 overtime loss to Maple Ridge in their first road game of the season.

Three days later, the fourth overall draft pick of the Lakers in 2010, scored 19 seconds into the game to help the Lakers edge the Timbermen 9-8 in Nanaimo.

Steven's garnered a five-point night in the win, including the game-winning tally while Burnaby had an extra attacker at the eight-minute mark of the final frame.

It was the first of two game-winners for Stevens during regular season. He also tallied a pair of game-winning markers in this season's playoffs.

Another Burnaby Laker recorded four game-winning goals in 2016, all of the goals coming during the regular season. Can you name him?